Classification of Historical Data and Collections

Classification of Historical Data and Collections

Come and talk with us about linked data and building classification schemes for historical data and heritage collections!


Datum en tijd

maa, 31 okt. 2022 15:00 - 16:30 CET


Huygens Institute & Zoom

Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185 [Spinhuis room 2.18] 1012 DK Amsterdam Netherlands

Over dit evenement

With presentations by:

Shannon van Muijden

Datamanager | Zuiderzeemuseum

"Classification and Linked Data for Heritage Collections"

Toine Pieters

Professor | Utrecht University

"Classification of pharmaceutical and botanical data in TimeCapsule"

Kay Pepping

Junior Researcher | GLOBALISE

"Creating a commodity classification for the Indian Ocean World"

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